
Wednesday, 27 August 2014


Universiti-universiti Di Australia

Universiti-universiti Di Australia Universities in Australia

University of Adelaide
Australian National University
University of Melbourne
University of Monash
University of Queensland
University of Sydney
University of New South Wales
University of Western Australia
Curtin University of Technology
Flinders University
Macquarie University
Queensland University of Technology
Royal Mebourne Institute of Technology
University Technology Sydney
University of Wollongong
Deakin University
Griffith University
La Trobe University
Murdoch University
University of Newcastle
Swimburne University Of Technology
University of South Australia

maklumat universiti dapat dari sini

Kenali insan bersuara merdu bernama Mohammed Taha Al Junaid

Siapa yang mengenali empunya nama  Mohammed Taha Al Junaid ?
Jika tidak kenal dengan dia...
Mari kita baca kisah tentang dia..

*Nama Penuh:Muhammad Salih Ibrahim Taha Al-Junayd.
*Tarikh lahir:1994.
*Dari:Manama,Bahrain(jiran Arab Saudi).
*Masih lagi seorang pelajar dan pengajaran membaca Al-Quran di Kingdom University Bahrain.Turut diupah oleh Pusat upah Abdul Rahman-Bandar Hamad.
*Juga diiktiraf sebagai pembaca Al-Quran(Qari) walaupun tidak sepopular Sheikh Mishary Rashid Al-afasy.
*Telah mengalunkan banyak surah dan boleh didapati dalam bentuk MP3 dan sebagainya.Sekarang ini telah memiliki 4 album dan 28 audio.

Link untuk download kat sini
*Terkenal dgn gelaran Beautiful Voice From Heaven oleh orang Arab.

Allah Permudahkan dengan niat yang INDAH sekian lama

Pertama kali melangkah kaki ke asrama penuh MRSM Kuala Berang adalah saat sedih ditinggalkan keluarga. Nasihat ayah “ Ingat ayah dan ma tinggalkan kat asrama ni jangan bersedih sebab nanti dalam kubur pun tinggal sorang-sorang. Ayah dan ma tak boleh teman”.

Hantar UMRAH : tercapai April 2013
Simpanan KOKITAB yang bernilai

Hantar HAJi : tercapai 2013..
surat dari Tabung Haji tawaran dapat Haji hari yang sama ayah dan abang din pulang dari menunaikan Umrah... Syukur

Tandas dan bilik sakit jika ma atau ayah tak boleh berjalan...
Mulai akhir 2013 selepas ma dan ayah balik menunaikan haji. Tahap kesihatan mereka berdua amat sedih... selalu keletihan dan tiada tenaga... banyak rehat dan tidur
siap akhirnya pengubahsuaian 3 bilik air lama kepada 3 bilik air baru...

Proses memecahkan semua 3 tandas asal


Mencabar perjalanan abi memandu


Dr Damon Cartledge

Senior Lecturer, Associate Dean (International)
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Education - Melbourne (Bundoora)
Office 518, SE6 - Education 1, Melbourne (Bundoora)


BTeach (with distinction), ADipAppMus, MEd (with distinction), DipTrgSys, EdD

Area of study

Adult education
Educational Studies

Brief profile

Dr Cartledge is Senior Lecturer in Vocational, Design and Technology Education programs, and is the Associate Dean (International). He also coordinates the Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary) at the Melbourne campus. 
Damon’s professional experience includes work in Vocational Education & Training (VET), music performance, music education, educational technology, leadership and management, training development and educational design. These experiences have been drawn from almost 30 years of service in public sector organisations, including the Australian Defence Force, TAFE Institutes and Universities. Work as a lecturer and researcher includes numerous ‘by invitation’ engagements at universities, commissions and professional schools in Australia, UK, USA, Canada and Malaysia; including periods as a Visiting Professor to the University of York in the UK and the University of Technology Malaysia. 
Recent work has seen Damon engaged in a broader range of teaching contexts including educational design, teaching method, technology in education, educational leadership and management and qualitative research strategies. Damon's research includes the development of professional identity in organisations, status of the VET professional, STEM research and issues in technical education. Damon maintains a strong research focus on qualitative research methods, especially on the researcher as Bricoleur. Adding to his diversity of research interests and context, recent student completions and current research supervision include candidates from Australia, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and Zimbabwe.  

Teaching units

EDU4VM1 - VET Teaching Method
EDU4MTA - Method of Teaching (Adult)
EDU4CDD - Curriculum Development & Design
EDU4LNP - Literacy & Numeracy for Professional Educators 
EDU5RME - Research Methods in Education (contributing lecturer)
EDU4UL - Understanding Learning (contributing lecturer)
EDU4CCE - Changing Contexts of Education (contributing lecturer)


Vocational Education

Recent publications

Cartledge, D. (2014) (at press). Higher and further: Can we keep our educational promises? In, T. Fitzgerald (Ed) Advancing knowledge in higher education: universities in turbulent times, Hershey PA: IGI Publishing

Cartledge, D. (2014) (at press). Re-valuing constructed knowledge: An agenda for STE(A)M. In, T. Fitzgerald (Ed) Advancing knowledge in higher education: universities in turbulent times, Hershey PA: IGI Publishing

Kamin, Y., Ahmad, A. and Cartledge, D. (2013). Students’ perceptions on the relevance of diploma in automotive curriculum to the workplace. Procedia–Social and Behavioural Sciences, 93(4), 90–96.

Ahmad, A., Radjuddin, R., Kamin, Y., Udin, A., Minghat, D. and Cartledge, D. (2012) Applying
competency-based concept in teaching automotive practical work for vocational Education. IPEDR 2012,
Vol 53, (9) 41-44.

Cartledge, D. (2012) Presentation: TVET and Malaysian economic development. Invited speaker:
Faculty of Education, University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 19 Jun 2012.

Cartledge, D. (2011) Presentation: Conversations on technical education: some rhetoric and realities.
Invited speaker National Work-Based Learning Forum – Higher Education. Informa Australia, Melbourne, Australia, 23 Nov 2011.

Cartledge, D. (2011) TVE voices for sustainable economies – are we really listening? Proceedings: 2011
Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association national conference – Victoria University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 27-29 Apr 2011.

Brown, M. & Cartledge, D. (2011) Tracking green skills for a low carbon economy. Proceedings: 2011
Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association national conference – Victoria University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 27-29 Apr 2011.

Cartledge, D. (2010) STEM – a technical renaissance? Proceedings: 2010 Science, Technology, Education and Mathematics STEM International Conference – Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 25-27 Nov 2010.

Chau Mai, R., Simkin, K. & Cartledge, D. (2010) Developing soft skill in Malaysian polytechnics. Proceedings of the NCVER 19th National Vocational Education and Training Research Conference, Perth, Australia, 7-9 July 2010.

Kamin, Y., Cartledge, D. & Simkin, K. (2010) Work-based learning in Malaysia’s community colleges:
perceptions from students, lecturers, training partners and employers. Proceedings of the NCVER 19th
National Vocational Education and Training Research Conference, Perth, Australia, 7-9 July 2010.

Cartledge, D. (2010) Presentation: TVET – are we keeping UNESCO’s promises? Invited speaker:
Centre of Excellence for Learner Diversity, National University of Malaysia (UKM), Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, 25 Feb 2010.

Cartledge, D. (2010) Presentation: Researching TVET – an overview of Australian frameworks? Invited
speaker: Department of Technical and Engineering Education, Faculty of Education, University of
Technology Malaysia (UTM) Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 12 Feb 2009.

Cartledge, D. (2009) Presentation: VET systems – an overview of Australian frameworks. Invited
speaker: Department of Technical and Engineering Education, Faculty of Education, University of
Technology Malaysia (UTM) Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 12 Feb 2009.

Cartledge, D. & Watson, M. (2008) Creating Space: Design Education as VET. NCVER: Adelaide.

Cartledge, D. (2008) Dodging Bullets in Design Education. Proceedings: 2008 National Conference –
National Centre for Vocational Education Research, University of Tasmania, Australia, 9-11 July 2008.

Ahmad, A. and Rajuddin, R. & Cartledge, D. (2008) Vocational education and training (VET) practices: issues and challenges in vocational secondary school. In: Seminar Penyelidikan Pendidikan Pasca Ijazah 2008, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 25-27 November 2008.

Watson, M. & Cartledge, D. (2007) Innovation in Design Education in VET. Proceedings: 2007
International Conference on Design Education, UNSW, Sydney, Australia, July 2007.

Cartledge, D. (2004) The Bricoleur’s quilt: risks for the insider researcher. In, P. Rushbrook and
G. Whiteford (Eds) Beyond your comfort zone. Charles Sturt University/RIPPLE.

Cartledge, D. (2002) The paradox of paradigm: what they didn’t tell you about doing research. In, P. Green (Ed) Slices of life: Qualitative research methods. Melbourne: RMIT Publishing.
  Cartledge, D. (2002) Developing professionals for a changing world of work. Unpublished EdD Thesis. Melbourne: RMIT University.
  Cartledge, D. (2002) The data matrix: a practical application (Videotape). In, M. Brown (Producer) Research methods series: Research by Project. Melbourne: RMITTV.
  Robertson, I. and Cartledge, D. (2002) Organisational change using an on-line distributed learning support system. Conference proceedings 2002 conference of the       Australian Society for Educational Technology (ASET) Melbourne, Australia.
  Robertson, I. and Cartledge, D. (2002) Never mind the depth, feel the width. Proceedings 2002 flexible learning conference. Melbourne, Australia.
  Cartledge, D. (2000) Military Musicians: the search for professional identity (Seminar paper) Commission report of the 24th World Congress of the International Society for   Music Education - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. ISME.
  Cartledge, D. (2000) Military Musicians: A paradox of artistic endeavour? Proceedings of the 2000 International Commission for the Education of Professional Musicians.     Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. ISME.
  Bannister, R. and Cartledge, D. (1999) New Musicians in an Old Tradition. Research Studies in Music Education (12) 58-67.
  Cartledge, D. (1999) The five axioms of constructivist inquiry: a contextual application RMIT University post-graduate research conference. RMIT University

Percutian Keluarga Toki Ya 2013

15 Oktober 2013 (SELASA: Hari Raya Aidiladha)
Korban 1 ekor lembu di belakang rumah mak cik nab  sebelah rumah tok ki

16 Oktober 2013(ISNIN:  )
Family MIL di Kg Padang Limau Nipis ke Air Terjun Saok

Cadangan jam 9pagi bergerak. Akhirnya jam 1053pagi baru memulakan perjalanan kami ke Empagan Kenyir dan Tasik Kenyir.

Kami ke Empangan Kenyir melalui bandar Kuala Berang dan seterusnya Kg Gaung dan Kg Pauh.
Permintaan Mok Long Bukit Antarabangsa yang ingin melihat empangandari dekat. Ruginya tak dapat masuk ke dalam, kami hanya berada di luar pagar sahaja.

Setelah beberapa berada di Empangan Kenyir kami 2 kereta dan 4 MPV meneruskan perjalanan ke Tasik Kenyir.

akan bersambung...............

Sunday, 24 August 2014


resipi : Bishanani @


2 cawan tepung gandum
1 cawan susu segar/full cream
1 cawan air
1 biji telur ~ guna gred A
1/2 sudu kecil garam
inti daging secukupnya
pewarna yg disukai

Bancuh tepung bersama susu segar, air, telur dan garam kemudian ditapis.
Bahagikan kepada berapa bahagian mengikut berapa warna yg nak digunakan.
Masukkan pewarna dan kacau hingga sebati.
Rehatkan adunan lebih kurang 5 - 10 min.
Masukkan adunan ke dalam acu roti jala atau botol mayonis 3 muncung.
Panaskan non stick frying pan dan tebar adunan ke atasnya.
Bila roti jala dah masak, angkat dan terbalikkan ke atas papan pencanai atau dulang.
Letakkan 1 sudu kecil inti daging dan gulung seperti menggulung roti jala kebiasaannya.
Buatlah sehingga habis.
Enak dimakan begitu saja atau dicicah dgn kuah kari.

* seeloknya adunan/batter dikacau dgn menggunakan handwisk supaya lebih cepat sebati dan tidak berketul.
** Bisha lebih suka terbalikkan roti jala yg dah masak sebelum digulung. dgn cara ni, permukaan atas roti jala lebih cantik.
*** selain dr menggunakan susu segar boleh juga diguna santan.

resipi : Bishanani @

1 paket daging kisar~  guna ramly's brand
2 labu bawang besar ~ didadu kecil
2 biji kentang (saiz besar) ~ didadu kecil
2 - 3 sudu besar cii mesin
2 sudu besar rempah gulai ~ boleh guna rempah gulai kawah/kerutup
2 keping asam keping
1  cawan air
garam dan gula

Basuh sedikit daging kisar dan toskan.
Panaskan minyak dan masukkan cili kisar.
Tumis hingga cili garing dan rempah yg dibancuh dgn sedikit air.
Biarkan hingga pecah minyak dan masukkan bawang besar, kentang dan daging kisar.
Goreng hingga daging mengeluarkan airnya. 
Masukkan asam keping dan air. Kacau.
Renihkan dan masukkan garam dan gula secukup rasa.
Bila inti hampir kering, padamkan api.
Sejukkan dan bolehlah digunakan.

*Jangan biarkan inti terlalu kering, biar lembab2 sket sbb nanti bila inti dah sejuk ia akan lebih mengering.
** Inti daging ni boleh digunakan dlm pelbagai juadah lain spt karipap, pau, puff, bun roti, dadar berinti dan lain2 lagi.. 

Di sini Video cara buat roti jala klik di sini

Anak bertuah kami... Muhammad Zikry Mustaqim Al-Hafiz

Anak bertuah kami....Muhammad Zikry MUSTAQIM....
Perancangan ALLAH hebat.. kejadian MUSTAQIM terjun dalam kolam mandi dan diselamatkan oleh Amin 15tahun adik sepupu abi semasa majlis resepsi Cahaya Naza 23 OGOS 2014 adalah HIKMAH dari Allah yang kita tak tahu.... Adakah sifat KEBERANIAN dlm diri Mustaqim atau berkait dgn masa depan KERJAYA untuk menjadi DIVER...Muhammad Zikry MUSTAQIM al Hafiz

Hero yang menyelamatkan nyawa Mustaqim daripada lemas di dalam kolam yang dalam di Bukit Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur semasa kenduri ialah adik sepupu Abi

Kolam tempat Mustaqim terjun di Oakleaf Club Bukit Antarabangsa

Tangga yang tinggi pun Mustaqim boleh turun ke kolam

Kolam yang tenang jangan sangka Mustaqim tak terjun ke dalamnya

22 Ogos 2014 : Malam Akad Nikah

23 Ogos 2014 : Resepsi di Oakleaf Club Bukit Antarabangsa

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Barangan yang BERJASA


Mustaqim dengar Nasyid sambil menyusu ASI  tahun 2010


1978 -2001
Fairuz : sepupu (anak saudara ma)

Nenek : mak ayah

Abang sepupu : anak saudara ayah

2 NOVEMBER 2010 - 1 Disember  1972
Kakak no 3  Anikasmiah Omar
Ma da Yam Kg Gaung Kuala Berang (Adik Toki)
Ibu Saudara ma/ Mak sepupu Ayah

Meninggal tahun 2013
Mak da yam (isteri pok su buta)..
Adik toki (ayah ma) dan juga sepupu tok che lijah merangkap mak sepupu ayah.

Mak Jah Pulau Kambing
Lijah  sepupu ma

7 OGOS 2014
Ibu saudara : Adik Ipar ayah
Mak Da Senah
Tok ayah ( bapa saudara suami)
Kg Padang Limau Nipis Bukit Payung

Tatkala SUBUH 
Sabtu 16 Ogos 2014.(20 Syawal 1435H)
Tiada lagi TOK AYAH (bapa saudara suami) lalu depan rumah dgn motosikal sblm masuk waktu solat 5 waktu.
Dari ALLAH kita datang dan kepadaNYA kita dikembalikan.
Semoga tok ayah di tempatkan di kalangan yg terpilih..Amin

Monday, 11 August 2014


1) Budget ( RM) :
Ini adalah yang paling penting. Mula-mula tu tentukan harga(RM) stroller yang kita nak beli. Harga stroller selalunya bergantung kepada jenama & jenis-jenis pembuatannya. Ada yang semurah <RM100 & ada yang semahal sampai cecah ribu-ribu. Yang mahal tak semestinya elok & yang murah tak semestinya tak elok. 
Stroller pertama anak kami jenama Sweet Cherry berharga RM200 yang dibeli di SOGO setelah dapat offer dari harga asal RM300++. Stroller ini telah dihadiahkan pada anak saudara suami.
Kalau nak cari stroller yang murah-murah, boleh survey di Manjaku. Kalau kat Giant macam terlampau murah & nampak macam tak berkualiti sangat  Kalau nak yang mahal sedikit boleh cari di Jusco & butik-butik yang menjual barangan baby berjenama. Kalau nak beli online pun boleh juga & selalunya yang online ni adalah dari jenama keluaran negara seperti McLaren, Quinny, Graco & banyak lagi. Boleh survey-survey harga dulu secara online sebelum beli tak membuang masa berfikir. Ada orang sukakan jenama luar negara seperti Maclaren kerana kualiti yang elok berbanding buatan tempatan. Tepuk poket tanya berapa RM yang ingin kita keluarkan untuk membeli stroller anak ni.
2) Saiz dan berat : 
Saiz dan berat stroller juga penting. Kena pertimbangan keselesaan bayi bila berada di dalam stroller tu. Lepas tu nak kena sesuaikan juga dengan keadaan anak semasa berada di dalam stoller. Kalau boleh carilah stroller yang boleh laras kedudukannya agar boleh diubah setiapkali anak nak duduk / tidur. Lagi satu, kena consider juga saiz bonet kereta kita sebab tak naklah bila dah beli stroller tak muat nak masuk bonet kereta.
Sesetengah stroller yang bila unfold berbentuk bujur memanjang, ada yang boleh dilipat kecil(umbrella) macam gambar di sini, ada yang boleh digalas. Pendek kata, kena minta tolong jurujual untuk bagi tunjuk ajar untuk unfold stroller tersebut. Kalau kita ni jenis yang suka berjalan jauh(bila balik kampung) dan barang lain banyak & tak nak bagi bonet kereta penuh dengan stroller yang besar haruslah cari stroller yang boleh dilipat kecil-kecil tu, sebab nanti nak simpan beg lagi.
3) Fungsi :
Kalau kira memanglah fungsi stroller ni untuk bawa anak kita kan. Tapi kalau boleh biarlah ianya boleh berfungsi sebagai pembawa barangan kita juga;D So kalau boleh cari stroller yang ada tempat untuk meletak barangan (shopping basket). Nanti senang sikit nak letak beg susu anak kan. Lagi satu, kalau ada ruang untuk letak botol susu pun bagus juga. Ada stroller yang boleh dibuka menjadi car seat juga. Lagi banyak additional function lagi bagus;)
4) Material : 
Yang ni pun penting juga. Selalunya stroller yang imported tu katanya diperbuat dari material yang bermutu tinggi; ringan kata mereka. Tapi kalau jenama Malaysia pun sudah ada yang setanding jenama luar negara & harga pun tidak semahal yang imported. Tapi itulah, nak kena survey & pertimbangkan semua faktor di atas. 
Kalau beli mahal-mahal pun tapi tak user friendly pun tak best juga kan.


1) Boleh Laras sampai RECLINE (baring habis) / sesuai untuk NEWBORN
2) tayar tak keras
3) Shopping bag / tempat letak barang
4) Compact Umbrella Fold /Boleh lipat 
Product Descriptions :-

  • Recommended from birth and up
  • Holds up to 18kgs
  • Five-point safety harness for maximum security
  • Umbrella fold *yang penting, muat kereta myvi*
  • Carry handle for easy portability
  • Height adjustable shoulder straps
  • Lockable, front swivel wheels
  • Shopping basket hold up to 3.5kgs
  • 4-position seat recline *baby boleh tidur*
  • Stroller Weight: 7.2kgs *boleh dikira ringan la*
Stoller 1st yang dibeli di SOGO KL

Muhammad Zikry Mustaqim dah berat 8kg (3bulan) memang berat untuk digalas umi dan abi  dengan carrier dan tidak selesa untuk tidur. Akhirnya sebelum balik kemaman dari Bangi kami sekeluarga singgah SOGO mencari stroller untuk dibeli. Shopping basket bawah tu pun besar & ada tempat untuk letak bekas susu & minuman  & berat yang boleh ditampu adalah sehingga 18kg( 4tahun)

KELEMAHAN: susah untuk diunfold & makan space dalam bonet kereta

Stoller 2nd yang dibeli di SOGO KL

 menjimatkan ruang kereta.
Sweet Cherry (123C Proto Alu Stroller)

Stoller 3rd yang dihadiahkan di SOGO KL

HADIAH daripada pelancong Saudi Arabia di SOGO

Stoller 4th yang dibeli di Manjaku Bangi

4th (PILIHAN KAMI :Halford Fliplite Stroller)

Ringan dan mudah dikendalikan serta menjimatkan ruang kereta.... tapi pemegang panjang dalam kancil tak  muat dalam bonet
Kami beli RM320 di Manjaku Bangi

Here’s what I have to say about Fliplite:
1.  Recommended from birth and up (4-position seat recline)
Adam’s only 46 days when I bought it and he lies down well in it. The seat almost fully reclines, he looks comfortable in it. A bonus point for a low-priced umbrella stroller.
2. Five-point safety harness for maximum security
Padded straps. The shoulder straps are adjustable to suit your baby’s height.
3. Umbrella fold
Very easy to fold. Took me just a few seconds to fold it and it automatically locks when folded so it’s really handy.
4.  Carry handle for easy portability
Yes the handle really comes in handy when you want to stow the stroller in the car.
5.  Lockable, front swivel wheels
Makes it easier to maneuver on uneven surfaces.
6.   Shopping basket hold up to 3.5kgs
To me, the basket looks more ‘firm’ and neat than that of the Maclaren Quest. Not accessible when the seat is fully reclined, but it’s almost always the case for umbrella strollers. Quite spacious though. It carries a medium bag quite comfortably.
 7.  Stroller Weight: 7.2kgs
That’s light for a stroller! Really helps when you want to stow it into the car!
8.   Size guide
I think the size is well justified. As a guide, when folded, it fits a MyVi trunk just nicely. Doesn’t fit a Satria Neo trunk but can be stowed into the back seat vertically. It’s quite a hassle with a 2-door car but it’s still tolerable for me hehe. If you a sedan you should have ample space in the trunk for this stroller.
9.   One-year Warranty
The stroller comes with a one-year warranty. So technically by the time this entry is posted, there’s still 361 days to it! Warranty card is provided.
10.  Price
Letting go at RM280. Street price is RM399. Some online shops are selling Halford Fliplite at RM320  so I guess RM280 is really a great bargain since it has only been used twice, with total ‘working’ time of only five hours!

Stoller 5th yang dibeli di

Whether you’re a M.O.M. (mother of multiples) or just a parent of two young children, the idea of pushing two strollers sounds complicated at best. The idea of pushing one kid while holding the other or making a tired toddler walk sounds like a meltdown waiting to happen. Thanks to side-by-side strollers like the Maclaren double stroller models, both children get a front-row seat.

Key Features

Shopping for a double stroller isn’t much different from shopping for a standard stroller, but there are some unique characteristics to consider.
• Does it fit through doorways?
Some models are wider than others. Test drive a few in the store to be on the safe side.
• Does it fold easily?
Who wants to wrestle with a large stroller to get it folded, especially when you’re also wrangling young kids? While it may require two hands to do the job, the double stroller shouldn’t fight back.
• Does it fit in the trunk or store conveniently?
Once folded, will the side-by-side stroller consume considerable space? You still need room in your trunk for groceries and other items, and the closet still needs to be able to hold clothes.
• Does it accommodate an infant car seat?
If the design allows you to attach a car seat, does it accept your brand or require you to purchase one to specifically fit the stroller? If it doesn’t take car seats, but you still want to use it with newborns, make sure a seat lays back so the baby can lie down. Babies younger than 6 months don’t have the strength to support their heads in a sitting position.