Cartledge, D. (2014) (at press). Higher and further: Can we keep our educational promises? In, T. Fitzgerald (Ed) Advancing knowledge in higher education: universities in turbulent times, Hershey PA: IGI Publishing
Cartledge, D. (2014) (at press). Re-valuing constructed knowledge: An agenda for STE(A)M. In, T. Fitzgerald (Ed) Advancing knowledge in higher education: universities in turbulent times, Hershey PA: IGI Publishing
Kamin, Y., Ahmad, A. and Cartledge, D. (2013). Students’ perceptions on the relevance of diploma in automotive curriculum to the workplace. Procedia–Social and Behavioural Sciences, 93(4), 90–96.
Ahmad, A., Radjuddin, R., Kamin, Y., Udin, A., Minghat, D. and Cartledge, D. (2012) Applying
competency-based concept in teaching automotive practical work for vocational Education. IPEDR 2012,
Vol 53, (9) 41-44.
Cartledge, D. (2012) Presentation: TVET and Malaysian economic development. Invited speaker:
Faculty of Education, University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 19 Jun 2012.
Cartledge, D. (2011) Presentation: Conversations on technical education: some rhetoric and realities.
Invited speaker National Work-Based Learning Forum – Higher Education. Informa Australia, Melbourne, Australia, 23 Nov 2011.
Cartledge, D. (2011) TVE voices for sustainable economies – are we really listening? Proceedings: 2011
Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association national conference – Victoria University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 27-29 Apr 2011.
Brown, M. & Cartledge, D. (2011) Tracking green skills for a low carbon economy. Proceedings: 2011
Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association national conference – Victoria University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 27-29 Apr 2011.
Cartledge, D. (2010) STEM – a technical renaissance? Proceedings: 2010 Science, Technology, Education and Mathematics STEM International Conference – Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 25-27 Nov 2010.
Chau Mai, R., Simkin, K. & Cartledge, D. (2010) Developing soft skill in Malaysian polytechnics. Proceedings of the NCVER 19th National Vocational Education and Training Research Conference, Perth, Australia, 7-9 July 2010.
Kamin, Y., Cartledge, D. & Simkin, K. (2010) Work-based learning in Malaysia’s community colleges:
perceptions from students, lecturers, training partners and employers. Proceedings of the NCVER 19th
National Vocational Education and Training Research Conference, Perth, Australia, 7-9 July 2010.
Cartledge, D. (2010) Presentation: TVET – are we keeping UNESCO’s promises? Invited speaker:
Centre of Excellence for Learner Diversity, National University of Malaysia (UKM), Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, 25 Feb 2010.
Cartledge, D. (2010) Presentation: Researching TVET – an overview of Australian frameworks? Invited
speaker: Department of Technical and Engineering Education, Faculty of Education, University of
Technology Malaysia (UTM) Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 12 Feb 2009.
Cartledge, D. (2009) Presentation: VET systems – an overview of Australian frameworks. Invited
speaker: Department of Technical and Engineering Education, Faculty of Education, University of
Technology Malaysia (UTM) Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 12 Feb 2009.
Cartledge, D. & Watson, M. (2008) Creating Space: Design Education as VET. NCVER: Adelaide.
Cartledge, D. (2008) Dodging Bullets in Design Education. Proceedings: 2008 National Conference –
National Centre for Vocational Education Research, University of Tasmania, Australia, 9-11 July 2008.
Ahmad, A. and Rajuddin, R. & Cartledge, D. (2008) Vocational education and training (VET) practices: issues and challenges in vocational secondary school. In: Seminar Penyelidikan Pendidikan Pasca Ijazah 2008, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 25-27 November 2008.
Watson, M. & Cartledge, D. (2007) Innovation in Design Education in VET. Proceedings: 2007
International Conference on Design Education, UNSW, Sydney, Australia, July 2007.
Cartledge, D. (2004) The Bricoleur’s quilt: risks for the insider researcher. In, P. Rushbrook and
G. Whiteford (Eds) Beyond your comfort zone. Charles Sturt University/RIPPLE.
Cartledge, D. (2002) The paradox of paradigm: what they didn’t tell you about doing research. In, P. Green (Ed) Slices of life: Qualitative research methods. Melbourne: RMIT Publishing.
Cartledge, D. (2002) Developing professionals for a changing world of work. Unpublished EdD Thesis. Melbourne: RMIT University.
Cartledge, D. (2002) The data matrix: a practical application (Videotape). In, M. Brown (Producer) Research methods series: Research by Project. Melbourne: RMITTV.
Robertson, I. and Cartledge, D. (2002) Organisational change using an on-line distributed learning support system. Conference proceedings 2002 conference of the Australian Society for Educational Technology (ASET) Melbourne, Australia.
Robertson, I. and Cartledge, D. (2002) Never mind the depth, feel the width. Proceedings 2002 flexible learning conference. Melbourne, Australia.
Cartledge, D. (2000) Military Musicians: the search for professional identity (Seminar paper) Commission report of the 24th World Congress of the International Society for Music Education - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. ISME.
Cartledge, D. (2000) Military Musicians: A paradox of artistic endeavour? Proceedings of the 2000 International Commission for the Education of Professional Musicians. Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. ISME.
Bannister, R. and Cartledge, D. (1999) New Musicians in an Old Tradition. Research Studies in Music Education (12) 58-67.
Cartledge, D. (1999) The five axioms of constructivist inquiry: a contextual application RMIT University post-graduate research conference. RMIT University